Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The status message of a friend on my g-talk list:

A woman needs a reason to cheat, a man just needs a woman.

Priceless! But you can never tell when 'temptation' masquerades as 'reason'.


Anonymous said...

When an intricate mind of a women takes over a man and his ego! Mighty has to fall :)

Anonymous said...

Isnt temptation reason enough?

Anonymous said...

Temptation masquerading? I guess it can be considered as reason!

Anonymous said...

I like that one, mind if I borrow it?

Anonymous said...

'A man needs a reason to cheat, a woman just needs a man'
just a thought and priceless too.. lol

Anonymous said...

what can be sweeter than a temptation
And can be more humane than justifying a temptation as a reason....