Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Life At 38

I suddenly realised I had to write tonight -- I owe one last post to 2008.

This has been, without doubt, the fastest year of my life. I walked through the weeks and months in a state of daze, not knowing -- or caring -- whether it is August or October. Suddenly, it is now December 31. Where the fuck was I, while the earth was taking its sweet time in making a circle around the sun? I do not know. Maybe I know, but I would rather not tell it loud: after all, this is also the year that made me wise.

Only till last year, I would break my head over where to celebrate New Year's eve. I would look forward to finding entry to an upscale disco where I could drink and dance and party the whole night. Last year, it was the Havana lounge in Raintree Hotel. But this year, I am not even looking at the ads that promise you a good time on the 31st night. I want to spend a quiet evening at home and begin the new year on a perfectly sobre note, as if it was just another day. Isn't this the sign of a wise man who has been there, done that and doesn't want to make an ass of himself anymore by getting squeezed into a faceless crowd of 500 people in a pub?

Perhaps a lot has got to do with the fact that I turned 38 five days ago. Thirty-eight is a scary figure for humans, considering that the average life span is just above 70. In other words, half of my life is over. And what do I have to show for? Zilch. Not even a book so far. Guru Dutt died even before he could turn 40, but by then he had created an empire of movies that will ensure that he remains in public eye for the next 400 years, maybe more.

I am no Guru Dutt, and that is why mortality scares me. It is just a matter of time before would I fade into nothingness. At 38, I just have 20 more years of productive life left, because people usually retire at 58. And considering that I am a journalist and not a government servant, I am likely to make many 'career moves' during these 20 years, all of which might not be savoury, voluntary and pleasant.

But hey, that's where Hugh Jackman comes in. Of late, I've become a great fan of his. He is 42 and is still voted as the Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine. In other words, there are plenty of women still desiring him. Ok, I know I am no Hugh Jackman. But what I mean is there is plenty of hope after 40. And look at Aamir, Salman and Shah Rukh: they are all sculpting bodies at an age when Indian men give up their battle against the paunch and trade their libido with lust.

To tell you the truth, I am actually rejoicing. And that is why I do not want to go dancing this New Year's eve: I am busy building my fortress, from where I hope to rule the world someday till long after I've turned 40. That's when life begins, really. That's the age when women begin to look more gorgeous than ever before, and when men begin to get their priorities right.

And when you have someone like Sean Connery, who still gets signed up to sell Louis Vuitton bags even in his seventies, there is always hope for the next few decades. People like him make you realise that no matter how old you are, you can still look desirable if you want to. End of the day, that's what we all strive for: to appear desirable -- to your own self and to others. So a happy birthday to me and a very happy new year to all of you.


Anjy's World said...

Hey Bish, at last, Jesus, at last you are making sense! It was really worth waiting fro this post and for your realisation :-) Hope this year brings newer things your way...not Amir Khan or Salman type of bodies, but defnitely soemthing more purposeful that would add some quality to life. More than wishing you a happy new year, I wish you luck...and Peace.

Anonymous said...

Great post, absolutely great!!

Anonymous said...

Came to your blog from Calcutta Chromosome's ... you do indeed write well.. :) Will definitely come back for more. Happy new year to you too.

Deepa Bhasthi said...

Happy belated birthday and a very happy and joyful new year to you.

And I so know what you mean when you wonder what happened to the year!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! good one again. 38 or 83 I will still go weak in the knees when I think of you. No jokes, I mean it.

Paresh Palicha said...

Dada, simply fantastic :)

Anonymous said...

It was quite relevant for you as you turned 38…. but you know na men turned 40 is equal to naughty… so dnt worry…. It will be relevant for me after a decade…. At that time I will surely read this again…..

I am sure you will look more kool then these actors…….

Anyways wish you luck for the year 2009…

Pradeep Nair said...

Happy birthday and a happy 2009.

mtsaju said...


Krishnan said...

Hey that was vintage Biswanath piece. Age is just a number, I am sure your best is yet to come. I am just one of your many admirers waiting for your book. How is it going ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Bishwanath,

Your article touched me.. I had very similar thoughts when I grew 38 last September..appreciate your thoughts on life... Wish you a great New Year 2009.. Hope to see u sometime before we vanish into nothingness... I too am waiting for your book.. All the best to you in life.

Paresh Palicha said...

Dada,thought this link may interest you.

Yamini Nair said...

After starting a blog the day I turned 30, I was wondering how far I will go competing with kids who start blogging in their teens. Your post was inspiring and am confident now... I can go faaar...

Anonymous said...


"There are so many variables in life where things have to line up for things to happen. In all of that, your preparation is everything. Learn whatever you have to learn, train however you have to train, to get the best out of yourself." to quote
- sam

Anubhuti said...

Mr Ghosh, something makes women eat out of hands. Quite a skill eh, for a small town boy to be so popular with big citi girls.

Shobana said...

That sounds so sweet and cute :) Belated wishes for your past birthdays and Advanced birthday wishes too :)